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Friday, November 20, 2009

Pageant Interview Tips

Pageant Interview Tips

If you're looking for pageant interview tips, then you'll want to read this article. Without doubt, the pageant interview round is the single most important round of the pageant itself. Even if you have spent hours preparing all your costumes and hairstyles, if you haven't properly practised for the interview round, you are doomed to failure. In this article, I am going to explain to you how you can really impress the judges in this round, giving you a much better chance of taking home the crown!

One of the best pageant interview tips I can give you, is to practise. I don't just mean the night before, spend a few minutes gazing over some questions, I mean lots and lots of practise, starting weeks before the pageant. I say this, because practise leads to a very important asset, confidence! Once you have begun to understand what the judges are looking for, and how to answer questions thoughtfully, you will be in a much better position, and the confidence will shine through.

So why is confidence most important? Well, if you're up on that stage in front of the judges and a large audience, the last thing you want to be is a trembling, stuttering wreck! The fact that you have practised answering a wide variety of questions will automatically put you ahead of the competition, as you know what to say.

Another one of the best pageant interview tips is to really think about what you're going to say, once the judges have asked you a question. Don't think you need to answer straight away, and don't be afraid to pause for a few seconds whilst you think of a good answer. This shows the judges you're really taking things seriously, and will score high marks.

For more info on pageant interview tips visit

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